Potential entrepreneurs, farmers, representatives of NGOs, as well as participants of the DL TECH Up accelerator program participated in a webinar on the topic “Technology as an engine of innovative ideas” on 28.09.2023.

The vast possibilities of technology, how they can help to farmers, how to plan their use and overcome possible difficulties were discussed by Asen Kehaiov and Ivaylo Dimitrov, experts in the IT field. They focused on the benefits to the business as well as the challenges it may face and tips on how to overcome them. Examples of technology implementation in agriculture and animal husbandry and of innovative technologies from Bulgaria and the world intended for the agricultural sector were presented.
The webinar was organized as part of the activities under the project “Accelerating the introduction of blockchain technologies” (with the acronym “DL Tech Up”), Subsidy Agreement B6.3a.26/02.06.2021. The project is financed under Cross-border cooperation program INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budgets of the participating countries.